Slavi Venture Crypto Capital Fund
About our mission
Our mission is to accelerate the development of a better financial system. We build and support bitcoin and blockchain companies by leveraging our insights, network, and access to capital.

We invest in companies, liquid tokens, and illiquid tokens based on innovative technology, market adoption, and real use cases.
We perform deep technological diligence far beyond just reading a whitepaper. We compile code, do security audits, run nodes to programmatically inspect the blockchain, have market intelligence based on proprietary software, and more.
Some Words About Us
Slavi Capital is an early stage venture firm focused on cryptocurrencies, blockchain, fintech, and marketplaces including NFT and Gamify industries. We invest in companies and protocols built on top of decentralization, privacy and human liberty.
Slavi Capital is a new generation of investment firm that invests in cryptocurrencies, tokens, and blockchain companies reshaping trillion-dollar markets. 
We manage a hedge fund and a venture fund, investing across both public and private markets.

Since founding the firm in May 2021, we’ve developed a reputation for being forward-leaning, independent thinkers. 
On the top of that we are actively forcing charity project and are mezanats as well as helping pure people in 40+ countries.

We are known for pioneering token economic models, valuation methodologies, and challenging long-standing assumptions that the crypto ecosystem takes for granted.

Decentralized project and Dapp technologies are the first inherently global asset class, and we’ve built our team around the world, with a presence in UAE, Monaco and Lithuania.
As a crypto-native fund, we actively participate in networks via staking, keeper operations, liquidations, and more. Moreover, we are intimately familiar with the crypto DEFI market structure and Extremely growing Gamify industry. We are hands-on investors, and will do everything in our power to maximize the success of our portfolio companies.